Medicinal Chemistry

About us

Medicinal Chemistry thematic group seeks to invite scientists, students, and business representatives interested in this area of research. Members of the community are from Vilnius University, Center for Physical and Technological sciences, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vilnius Tech University and company ThermoFisher Scientific. The main goal of this community is to develop this area of research and promote collaboration with scientists from Lithuania and other countries. Public engagement is of high priority in informing our society and attracting students to this area. This scientific group initiated the entry of the Lithuanian Chemical Society into the European Federation of Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology – EFMC. Being part of the European federation contributes to scientific visibility of Lithuania and opens additional paths for collaboration.

Become a member of a thematic group

To become a member of a thematic group, you need to become a member of the Lithuanian Chemical Society (for a description of how to become a member, please see the section “Members”) and then inform the group leader Virginija Dudutienė ( of your intention to become a member of this thematic community.


Dr. Virginija Dudutienė

VU Life Sciences Center (scientist)